Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Go eco-friendly yet creative to wrap that gift!

Has there been a time when you had to wrap your gift at the last minute and you are out of wrapping paper? Or after your last holiday gift exchange you were taken aback by the ton of gift wrap you chucked into your garbage! I have faced both these situations and after a few rounds of running through stores, buying compromised paper, some guilt and frustration I figured I could actually take this up as a challenge and be innovative with my gift wrapping skills. I also realized after some search that there were many more creative souls like me and I had share all their creative ideas with you too!
So you want to go eco-friendly with your gift wrapping ideas or are simply looking for something that you may have at home to wrap your gifts? Read on...
Newspaper wraps:
You can use a newspaper to wrap gifts and make them interesting.

Choose a plain news section and add interesting elements like colourful ribbons, buttons, tags or embelishments to make them look chic.

A Beautiful Day


Or choose the cartoon, crossword or advertisement section to make the base look interesting itself and you can add some twine or ribbon to it to make it glamorous.

Happy Money Saver
You can also make newpaper bags and add colourful tissue and ribbon to put it together as a gift wrap!

Rubow Happenings

Brown Paper wraps:

Use the brown paper bags or paper itself to make a vintage looking gift wraps or warm christmas wraps.
You can choose to doodle, draw or stamp on the brown paper to make a personal wrap.

Huffington Post

You can add ribbons, embelishments, tags all with bright colours to create some excietment.

Authentic Simplicity

You can once re-use brown paper bags that you have stored from your stores by adding interesting lables, tissue and embelishments.

Kids Artists

Inspiration for Home

Fabric wraps:
So you are a fabric collector and may have scraps around the house... Use them to wrap!

A Table in the Shade
Your fabric gift like a scarf, t-shirt, blanket can itself be a wrap


Re-Purposed wraps:
Do you have some rice sack or bags in which you got your bed sheets in? Why not use them creatively!
Add in some ropes, lace and embelishments to the sack to turn it into a wrap

Sarah Lee Soap's Blog
Or add some stickers, ribbons and flowers to the old sheet bag to wrap something new into it!
Recycled Alluminum wraps:
Use your foil to avoid a spoil! Team the shiney foil along with some ribbons and you are good to go!
Also remember to save any interesting that you recieve cause you can use these interesting trinkets creatively.
  • Some greeting cards can be doubles as lables or tags
  • Interesting ribbons can be reused
  • Twigs, dried flowers etc can become interesting embelishments
These were only a few ideas and we would love to hear some more from you and if you have interesting wrapping ideas do share them with us!
- Shamoni

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